Subject Access Request

Subject Access Request

1. Contents

  1. Contents
  2. Introduction
  3. Making a SAR
  4. Proof of identification
  5. Fee
  6. Additional information

2. Introduction

The Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) and General Data Protection Regulations 2017 (GDPR) apply to personal data held by an organisation. The Act allows people 12 years of age and over, to find out what personal information is held about them and why it is held by making a Subject Access Request (SAR). Personal data is any information which is capable of identifying a living individual e.g. name and address, audio or video recording, CCTV image, email address, postcode, photograph etc. A SAR can include both electronic information and paper records.

3. Making a SAR

All individuals who are the subject of personal data held by First Business Water Limited are entitled to:

  • Ask what information the company holds about them and why.
  • Ask how to gain access to it.
  • Be informed how to keep it up to date.
  • Be informed how the company is meeting its data protection obligations. If an individual contacts the company requesting this information, this is called a subject access request.

Subject access requests from individuals should be made by email, addressed to the data controller at pr*****@fi****************.uk . The data controller can supply a standard request form, although individuals do not have to use this.
The data controller will aim to provide the relevant data within 14 days.
The data controller will always verify the identity of anyone making a subject access request before handing over any information.

4. Proof of identification

Together with your request you must provide us with Proof of Identification

  • Identification must compromise of photocopies/scans of two official documents which confirm both your date of birth and current address – e.g. passport, driving licence, birth certificate, utility bill, etc.
  • Copies of the documentation should be sent to pr*****@fi****************.uk Or by post to the following address:

Data Protection Officer
Floor 10 (North West),
One Canada Square,
Canary Wharf,
E14 5AB

  • Any original documents will be returned with the response to your request – we cannot accept liability for the loss of documents in transit.

5. Fee

SAR are free of charge unless we deem your request to be manifestly unsubstantiated, excessive or you require copies. In this case we will reserve the right to charge you a fee, or to refuse the SAR.

6. Additional information

The information Commissioner promotes public access to official information and protects personal information. The ICO is an independent body with specific responsibilities set out in the Data Protection Act 2018, and GDPR. This link will take you to the ICO website:

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